Oil Free Falafel with Cauliflower Tahini Sauce
Whether you steam or fry them, these falafel are a cinch to make and pack up for your next picnic!
Fried falafel are hands-down delicious. They are crispy and firm on the outside and spongy soft on the inside. But…they’re fried. Steaming maximizes the nutritional profile and results in a falafel that is made in 20 minutes and maintains a firm texture, inside and out. So feel free to toss these into your salad, roll them up in a quinoa wrapper (as shown) or pop them into your mouth as you’re lounging on the picnic blanket. Which way will you enjoy falafel next?
This recipe was inspired by the Smitten Kitchen and modified to make this gluten free, plant based and vegan, allium free (no onions, no garlic), nightshade free, corn free, soy free and oil-free (steamed) recipe. We love it with the oil-free cauliflower tahini sauce. π