
Oil Free Falafel with Cauliflower Tahini Sauce

Whether you steam or fry them, these falafel are a cinch to make and pack up for your next picnic!

Fried falafel are hands-down delicious. They are crispy and firm on the outside and spongy soft on the inside. But…they’re fried. Steaming maximizes the nutritional profile and results in a falafel that is made in 20 minutes and maintains a firm texture, inside and out. So feel free to toss these into your salad, roll them up in a quinoa wrapper (as shown) or pop them into your mouth as you’re lounging on the picnic blanket. Which way will you enjoy falafel next?

This recipe was inspired by the Smitten Kitchen and modified to make this gluten free, plant based and vegan, allium free (no onions, no garlic), nightshade free, corn free, soy free and oil-free (steamed) recipe. We love it with the oil-free cauliflower tahini sauce. πŸ™‚


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White Bean and Avocado Arepas

These crispy-on-the outside-soft-on-the-inside english muffin-like discs deftly transition from breakfast to lunch any day of the week. Shown here with a white bean and avocado filling (recipe included), you can load these up with your favorite sweet or savory filling, instead.

Arepas originated in the region that now spans Columbia and Venezuela and are traditionally made from corn. Today there are dozens (upon dozens) of distinct ways to prepare this naturally gluten free bread. Each one of the techniques involve transforming a handful of simple ingredients into irresistible deliciousness. This recipe was inspired by America’s Test Kitchen. The challenge is that my son doesn’t tolerate the corn-based masarepa that is the foundation of most recipes. To get around this, I used cream of rice to develop this alternate approach that is yeast free, corn free, soy free, xanthan gum free, nightshade free, Low FODMAP, gluten free, plant-based and vegan.


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Oat Pancakes

Light and fluffy pancakes that make your mouth and tummy smile? Yes, please! We love that they’re quick to make and easy to eat on-the-go (just like that).

A reader of mine once wisely observed that one can never have too many pancake recipe options. I completely agree. πŸ™‚ This recipe is adapted from Kitchen Treaty and is just as scrumptious whether you’re gluten free, corn free, plant-based and vegan, nut free, oil free, Low FODMAP, nightshade free and avoiding refined sugars, or not!


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Cauliflower and Kale Vegetable Pie

Combine the best of many cultures with this one-skillet vegetable pie! This recipe is made using the approach of a frittata together with the tummy-friendly goodness that is handvo (substitute idli) batter…and looks a little like a pizza. The result? A veggie loaded dish that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner or any meal in between!

Most of the vegetables are hidden inside each slice (with only a smattering on top). But, feel free to split the veggies evenly between the batter and the topping. You might even enjoy cheese sprinkled over top of the vegetables! This recipe, as shown, is gluten free, plant-based and vegan, allium free (no onions, no garlic) soy free, corn free, chickpea-free, nightshade free and made without processed ingredients or xanthan gum.


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